1433 Madison Avenue 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Corner lot, large yard. Appliances included. Remodeling is in process. Rent $850
Phone Ron at 319-209-0823 for appointments to view
All vacancies are in Burlington, with stove & refrigerator unless otherwise noted.
Resident pays all utilities, lawn and snow removal unless otherwise noted.
Deposit is usually equal to one month's rent.
Vacancy list is updated as vacancies arise.
1014 Locust. One bedroom apartment in a duplex. Lawn care and water bill covered by LL. Rent is $725.
310 Harrison 3 bedroom, 2 story. Off street parking . Rent 950.
Heartland River, Inc.
1001 Oak Street
Renting quality homes & apartments
1909 S 15th St. 2 bedroom. garage. Rent $850